Noted Innovation Fellowship for young Classical Music managers

An introduction by Kathleen Alder

Ideas on napkins can change the world… 

I firmly believe in this principle: that to make great music, we need more than just performers. We need organisers, visionaries, administrators, social media enthusiasts, PR people, composers, marketing managers, photographers, technology personnel, the list is endless. This vast expanse of possibility is why I was determined to become a mentor for Noted’s new Noted Innovation Fellowship. 

I love that there are schemes out there to help young artists start and progress their careers, but I feel that the spotlight needs, not to move, but to be shared with other equally ambitious and talented young people who work in arts administration. The Noted Innovation Fellowship is aimed at 22-35 year olds who have a cutting-edge idea, which will lead the classical music industry into the future. In reality, the funds and expertise needed to lift these ideas from the back of a napkin into the real world aren’t readily available.  As well as receiving £3,500 towards their idea, the winner will also be mentored by some of the biggest names in the non-performance side of classical music and who work for the most prestigious venues, orchestras and businesses. Some of my colleagues involved include: CEO of the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, Marcus Axt; composer Max Richter; and Grammy Award winning music producer, Chris Alder. This list is continually growing.

The features of the Fellowship do not stop there. Unique ideas require a unique approach and the mentoring is personally tailored to the winner in order to fully realise their potential. You will also be helped to create all aspects of your brand image through Classical Music Design.

I am really excited to hear ideas that have previously sat there undiscovered being pitched throughout the application process, get yours in by 15th February 2015 for a chance to be a leader in the future of the classical music industry. 

WildKat PR is offering a new fellowship for up and coming talent in arts administration. This fellowship has been created as a way to offer financial support, industry opportunities and mentorship.

The idea is to customize the fellowship around the recipient, in order to maximize their full potential and impact on the industry.

The fellowship will also include placements with WildKat’s various partners including: festivals, concert halls, orchestras and artist managers.

This includes:

  • Get support to implement your personal idea/ project that will help shake up the classical music industry and/ or the cultural sector
  • Gain knowledge and experience about PR, via WildKat PR
  • Create your brand (website, image, brochure, logo), with the help of Classical Music Design
  • Have free and full access to industry events and network
  • Get personalized mentorship
  • Receive £3500 to help fund your project

The deadline for applications for the Fellowship is Sunday 15th February 2015. To apply, please visit

Noted Innovation Fellowship supporters and collaborators include:

Bernhard Kerres, CEO, Hello Stage; Max Richter,
Composer; Daniel Hope, Violinist; Ben Pateman
Executive Producer, Opus Arte/ Royal Opera House; Jasper Hope, CEO, Dubai Opera; Paul Smith CEO, Voces Cantabiles Music